Next one is October 14, 2022
The Cherry Hills Plaza sidewalk will be filled with our local artists and their work for sale. Find something for the holidays, for yourself or gift. We might even have live music. We are also excited for the new restaurants opening between the Sun City Restaurant and Provecho.
Come for fun and support your local Menifee businesses.
Arts Council Menifee Art and Boutique is a venue for our artists to display their talent, in collaboration with the Menifee Valley Community Cupboard and Thrift Shop.
26830 Cherry Hills Blvd, Menifee, CA 92586
Tuesday-Saturday 10 am - 4 pm
We feature two or three artists throughout the week on the sidewalk or in the shop. You must be one of the artists displaying in the store in order to sell and reservations are on a first come, first serve basis.
Call Kathleen Crain, 951-303-4757, if you would like to reserve a time, either all day or half a day.
Spread the word and support our local artists and businesses.
Stop by and sign up for one of several classes offered in our Boutique.
The art instructor will contact you to arrange a day and time that works for both of you.
Want to Show Your Talents In Our Boutique?
1. Be an Arts Council Menifee member in good standing at the $40 "ARTIST" level or above. SIGN UP HERE
2. All work must be original.
3. Contact Kathleen Crain to set up an appointment.
4. For more details you can view or download our ARTIST AGREEMENT.
Student Artists
1. If you are a student artist membership is free, however, please SIGN UP HERE.
2. The above steps still apply but you also have the option of just displaying your work and not selling it.
3. Under 18 years old your parents must sign the ARTIST AGREEMENT.
4. Under 18 you cannot volunteer in the store without a parent or guardian.